Travelling PVC coated polyester stage

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Addressing both cultural and ethical issues which are so important in modern society, Lift Festival 2008 provides theatre, lectures and interactive events which promote diversity and co-operation in the London area.

Designed by AOC Architects, the festival stage, known as The Lift is a portable performance space allowing it to be moved between sites throughout the summer. With a long established reputation in the field of rock and pop, Architen Landrell was approached by AOC to print and manufacture the fabric cladding to the stage structure challenge we accepted with excitement!

The festival begins this week in Stratford and hosts artists from all around the world in the brightly printed performance space! We have been delighted to work on such an interesting project and look forward to the start of the festival.

The Lift is featured in this weeks Architects Journal, p. 10

For more information on the festival and The Lift, see

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Author: Architen Landrell

For over 30 years, Architen has been at the forefront of the tensile fabric industry.

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