christine Edwards & Ceri Richards – Conker Competition

Written by in Events

As autumn well and truly sets in, it was once again time for the Architen Landrell staff Conker Championship. The tournament is held annually and sees the team battle it out against one another colleague vs. colleague, conker vs. conker!

This years competition was held on 23rd October in the autumn sunshine and witnessed several rounds of close matches before the final was held between the defending champion, Christine Edwards, and challenger Ceri Richards.

A close match, both put their all into winning, but only one could take the lead. Christine fought well despite a hand injury sustained in previous matches but as the crowd roared with excitement Ceri smashed his way to victory to claim the title of King of the Conkers and to walk away with the prize.

Ceri puts his win down to the careful and patient preparation of his conkers, and looks forward to defending his title next year! Well done Ceri!

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Author: Architen Landrell

For over 30 years, Architen has been at the forefront of the tensile fabric industry.

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