Newcastle university student sponsorship for fabric and textile research

Written by in Education, Knowledge & CPD

As market leaders in the tensile fabric industry, Architen Landrell feel strongly that  research should be encouraged and supported which is why we form part of a syndicate of companies sponsoring Newcastle Universitys PhD course in Structural Engineering.

Architen Landrell work with Buro Happold, Tensys Ltd, Serge Ferrari and the University to ensure that UK talent does not get wasted; by working together we can create a UK based research and knowledge hub, pushing the boundaries of tensile fabric capabilities. By creating this syndicate of professionals based in Newcastle we have established a strong UK presence in European Committees assisting with the development of tensile fabric codes and regulations.

The financially funded studentship is now running for the third time and has proved hugely successful; the first student to go through the course was Ben Bridgens, who is now Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering at Newcastle University. Ben now plays a major role in the teaching and further research into tensile membranes by instilling his research results into the teaching programme at the University.

Currently Alex Colman is researching the PhD under the title A pragmatic approach to determining the mechanical behaviour of structural fabrics.  In this study, he is looking into how forces can affect the elasticity of fabric under tension. The results of this study will be of paramount importance when looking at how fabric will react when put under stress, especially relevant to the design process of projects.

The combination of this PhD knowledge and testing equipment available to us means that we can remain among leaders in the global tensile research and development industry.

Architen Landrell also work with Newcastle University on smaller scale projects and often support students by providing guidance, fabrics and information on fabric and ETFE.



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Author: Architen Landrell

For over 30 years, Architen has been at the forefront of the tensile fabric industry.

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