Architen Newsletter

Written by in ETFE

If you have a Tensile Fabric Structure or are considering one, this newsletter is for you. Click here to read the on-line full version.


Cars have MOTs, buildings have inspections, tensile fabric structures require regular maintenance. Over time, fabric structures can start to discolour and lose their brightness. They collect airborne dirt, dust, diesel and even jet fuel from planes. Its not until a structure is cleaned that you realise just how dirty it was.

Depending on the fabric, a canopys life span can vary from 15 years to well in excess of 30 years. One way of guaranteeing a maximum return on your investment is by maintaining your structure. For over 30 years, Architen Landrell have been breathing new life into tensile fabric structures through the following services:

Specialist CleaningEmergency RequestsSafety InspectionRepairsReplacementModifications


Schedule an Inspection:

To book an inspection or schedule a cleaning of your tensile fabric structure/canopy, contact our Maintenance Team on 01291 638 200.



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Author: Architen Landrell

For over 30 years, Architen has been at the forefront of the tensile fabric industry.

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