Tensile fabric structure

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For nearly 20 years Architen Landrell has been playing a vital part in delivery of the Garsington Opera House.

Designed by architect, Robin Snell, this beautiful tensile fabric structure appears to ‘float’ over the landscape. Inspired by a traditional Japanese Kabuki pavilion and noted by some as ‘the most beautiful opera house in the world’, Gargsington is now set for the 2014 season which opens Friday 6 June.

Architen Landrell have been busy, installing an extension to the fabric roof, improving the rain gutters and adding an acoustic mesh layer of fabric on top of the fabric roof, all to ensure this venue remains World Class.

In describing the venue, The New York Times said, “It’s hard to imagine a more idyllic outdoor setting for an opera.”

Learn more about the project

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About the photo: One of our Site Operatives took this picture looking across the beautiful countryside as he was putting the finishing touches on the fabric roof.

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Author: Amy Richardson

As Sales Manager, Amy has a wealth of experience and knowledge and is able to make recommendations on design and price jobs.

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